HIMSS Analytics Honors Franklin Medical Center with Stage 6 Recognition
As of December 2016, only 31 percent of the more than 5,400 U.S. hospitals tracked by HIMSS Analytics had reached Stage 6 on its Electronic Medical Record Adoption ModelSM (EMRAM).
(December 12, 2016) – HIMSS Analytics announced Franklin Medical Center in Winnsboro, Louisiana has achieved Stage 6 on the EMR Adoption ModelSM (EMRAM). FMC is renowned for its award-winning commitment to high quality health care and service offerings unique for a rural facility.
HIMSS Analytics developed the EMR Adoption Model in 2005 as a methodology for evaluating the progress and impact of electronic medical record systems for hospitals in the HIMSS Analytics® LOGIC™. Tracking their progress in completing eight stages (0-7), hospitals can review the implementation and utilization of information technology applications with the intent of reaching Stage 7, which represents an advanced electronic patient record environment.
Stage 6 hospitals
- Have made significant executive commitments and investments to reach this stage.
- Appear to have a significant advantage over competitors for patient safety, clinician support, clinician recruitment, and competitive marketing for both consumers and nurse recruitment.
- Have almost fully automated/paperless medical records when they have implemented their IT applications across most of the inpatient care settings.
- Are either starting to evaluate their data for care delivery process improvements or have already documented significant improvements in this area.
- Have made investments that are within reach of most hospitals and recognize the strategic value of improving patient care with the EMR.
- Have begun to create strategic alignments with their medical staff to effectively utilize information technology to improve the patient safety environment.
- Are well positioned to provide data to key stakeholders, such as payers, the government, physicians, consumers, and employers, to support electronic health record environments and health information exchanges.
Stage 6 hospitals also have achieved a significant advancement in their IT capabilities that positions them to successfully address many of the current industry transformations, such as meaningful use criteria in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, claims attachments for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, pay for performance, and government quality reporting programs.
To date, only one other rural hospital in Louisiana has achieved this distinction.
“It’s always good to see outside groups honoring our hospital with these sorts of awards,” said Shea Morris, the hospital’s IT director. “A lot of people have worked very hard to make this happen, and it’s great to see a plan come together.”
Sheila Mason, the FMC Clinical Analyst, said that, while the system in place still has a lot of work to be done, reaching the HIMSS target on schedule was a significant step. “It was a difficult process, but everyone hung in and persevered until we reached the goal,” said Mason.
“HIMSS Analytics congratulates Franklin Medical Center for making significant progress towards achieving advanced health IT adoption,” said John H. Daniels, CNM, FACHE, FHIMSS, CPHIMS, Global Vice President, HIMSS Analytics. “Stage 6 represents a level of sophistication that can lead to innovative healthcare transformation.”
About HIMSS Analytics
HIMSS Analytics is a global healthcare advisor, providing guidance and market intelligence solutions that move the industry forward with insight to enable better health through the use of IT. As a trusted healthcare research and advisory firm, the industry depends on HIMSS Analytics’ resources, benchmarks, predictive models and assessment tools to improve decision making regarding their IT strategic roadmap and market strategy. HIMSS Analytics is uniquely positioned and differentiated through its industry focused offerings which include its Healthcare IT market intelligence tool, Healthcare IT insights and Healthcare IT benchmarks and services. The LOGIC market intelligence tool has the largest technology data set with unmatched breadth and depth needed for guiding healthcare IT strategies. HIMSS Analytics research and advisory consultants uncover unique insights on how to optimally use IT to tackle today’s healthcare challenges faced by both healthcare delivery organizations and IT companies. Its EMR Adoption Model (EMRAM) provides a strategic roadmap and guidance along an 8-stage model with comparisons to healthcare organizations in the same country and around the world.
HIMSS Analytics, a wholly owned subsidiary of HIMSS, is the healthcare research and advisory firm for healthcare delivery organizations, IT companies, governmental entities, and financial, pharmaceutical, consulting and emerging technology solution partners worldwide. Visit himssanalytics.org for more information.