Financial Counseling

Financial Counseling

We understand that paying medical bills can sometimes create problems for patients and their families. Our financial counseling program is meant to address some of these issues. Financial Counselors assist low-income patients in Medicaid enrollment, as well as utilization of the hospital financial assistance program and clinic sliding scale program. For patients who need help in paying for prescription drugs, there is the Prescription Assistance Program which may lower the costs of medicine for patients who meet the established criteria.

For prescription assistance information call (318) 435-4571.

Contact one of our Financial Counselors below to schedule an appointment today.

CounselorLocationPhone Number
Angel HattonHospital Case Management Department(318) 435-5263
Naomi CaderBusiness Office(318) 435-9411 ext. 2290
Regan SimmonsBusiness Office(318) 435-9411 ext. 2065
Krysta YounkerWinnsboro Clinic North Location(318) 435-4571

Rural Health Clinics

The Franklin Medical Center Rural Health Clinics offer a sliding fee scale (SFS) program.  The amount owed for services by eligible patients are adjusted based on income and family size. The SFS program applies to all comprehensive primary care services, including preventive care.

  • Available to all individuals and families with annual incomes at or below 300 percent of the most current federal poverty guidelines.
  • To qualify for 100% discount an individual or family shall have an annual income at or below 100% of the most current federal poverty guidelines.
  • Fees will be adjusted based on the family size and income for individuals and families with incomes at or below 100 percent and at or below 300 percent of federal poverty guidelines.
  • Patients of Franklin Medical Center Rural Health Clinics are made aware of the sliding scale program through notices on the website, during the registration process (if the patient is self-pay), and by notice displayed by the registration desk.
  • Sliding scale eligibility requirements for discounts is based on income and family size and no other factors.
  • Patients approved for the SFS will not be sent collections for outstanding debt.
  • A patient may apply for the SFS program by calling to schedule an appointment with the clinics Financial Counselor, notifying the registration staff, or completing an application to submit by mail. Application can be found online at or requesting one in person.
  • Applications are reviewed by the Financial Counselor for completion, and determination of meeting the criteria for SFS program, and in what percentage. The Financial Counselor notifies the patient(s) of eligibility in writing if they are not on campus at the time of approval.
  • Eligibility is determined by total amount of gross income, total individuals living in home, and providing acceptable documentation for both. (see below list of acceptable documentation for income and family size.
  • No one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay, and there is a discounted/sliding fee schedule available based on family size and income.


Income Thresholds By Family Size/Income Sliding Scale Fee Program Policy Financial Assistance Policy Sliding Fee Scale Application