Franklin Medical Center offers a hospitalist program featuring physicians who have strong experience in caring for hospitalized patients, many who often have serious medical conditions and frequently need a more advanced level of care. It’s this expertise that many primary care physicians have come to trust and rely upon with the FMC hospitalist program.
A primary care physician may ask a hospitalist to coordinate and oversee any hospital care from admission to discharge. During that time, your physician can receive updates as to your condition from our hospitalist. The hospitalist is involved in every aspect of your hospital stay. This may include working with medical and surgical consultants, physical and occupational therapists, discharge planners, dietitians, and clergy. It also covers ordering laboratory or X-ray tests and providing regular reports to you and your family.
Drs. Combetta, Colvin, Cotter, and Atkins are here to offer our patients the best inpatient care available. For more details, feel free to ask any questions of them or your own primary care physician about our program.