Sleep Lab

Sleep Study Lab

Our community now has access to state-of-the-art sleep monitoring in a comfortable atmosphere designed to reflect the comforts of home. Any patient answering yes to at least three of the following questions should consider asking their physician for a sleep study review:


  • I have been told I snore
  • I have been told that I stop breathing or hold my breath when I sleep, although I have no memory of this
  • I am always sleepy during the day even when I have slept throughout the night. (“Wish I had more energy”)
  • I have high blood pressure
  • I have been told that I sleep restlessly. I am always “tossing and turning.”
  • I tend to sweat excessively during the night
  • I frequently awaken with headaches in the morning
  • I tend to fall asleep during inappropriate times
  • Others have noticed a change in my personality (often grumpy/irritable)
  • I am overweight or have recently gained weight
  • I suddenly wake up gasping for breath at times


If you feel like you may have a sleep disorder, please take this brief self-scoring questionnaire below.

Take our Sleep Apnea Questionnaire.


  1. I have been told that I snore.
  2. I have been told that I stop breathing when I sleep, although I may have no recollection.
  3. I am always sleepy during the day even when I have slept all night. Wish I had more energy.
  4. I have high blood pressure.
  5. I have been told that I sleep restlessly. I am always “tossing” and “turning”.
  6. I tend to sweat excessively during my sleep.
  7. I frequently awaken with headaches in the morning.
  8. I tend to fall asleep during inappropriate times.
  9. Others and/or I have noticed a change in my personality. (Often grumpy/irritable)
  10. I am overweight. My neck size is greater than 16″.
  11. I suddenly wake up gasping for breath at times.


How many have you checked positive?


If you have Marked 3 or MORE Boxes, you show symptoms of Sleep Apnea, a life threatening sleep disorder that causes you to stop breathing during your sleep.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms please contact us today.


If you or someone you love needs a sleep study, please contact us today at (phone)1-866-337-2536 (fax)1-866-639-6551.

Franklin Medical Center would like to thank Ivan Smith Furniture and Wal-Mart of Winnsboro for their generous assistance in helping to furnish our sleep lab.
